Chance to Soar
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Campus Culture & Climate

The perfect pair - a morale boost for your staff + an SEL resource for the classroom! Double Win.


With a few clicks let’s show your staff some LOVE! AND, best of all, you get all the credit!! Purchase one of our turn-key Climate Boosters and give your staff a bit of JOY. Whether it’s the kick-off of a new season or your staff is feeling a bit overwhelmed, a campus Climate Booster from Chance to Soar is just the answer. We’ve created thoughtful, prepackaged gifts for your staff to make sure your staff feels irreplaceable and valued. AND, best of all our climate boosters can be upgraded to include a SEL resource for your teachers to use in the classroom! Double win - both teachers and students benefit!

Our Climate Boosters arrive “individually packaged” and ready for distribution. Seamless integration from start to finish. Just let us know your quantity and we handle the rest! Many of our Climate Boosters have personalization options (think campus logo, principal name!) for an even bigger impact.

Chance to Soar is an approved vendor in most North Texas ISDs. Our invoicing team can work with your budget - campus funds or instructional materials!


Find your Calm in the Storm

We know that stress is an unavoidable part of life - personally and professionally. But fear not! Our team has curated a collection of stress-busting strategies for your staff. And to all the principals out there who value a positive school culture, introducing our "climate booster" - a magical box filled with mood-boosting goodies to keep your staff feeling energized and inspired. Don't just take our word for it - give it a try and see for yourself! Included in your purchase…

  • Stress relief favorites for a self-care Sunday fit for any day of the week!

  • Face mask, aromatherapy candle and scented shower steamers

  • Personalized (from principal) motivation message on the importance of finding your “calm in the storm” - strategies your educators can use right away to help find their center amidst all the hustle and bustle

  • Continue the calming journey in the classroom with an instructional resource filled with ideas and strategies on how educators can recognizes and help students combat stressors of their own

Hi HO, Hi HO

Hi Hope and Optimism. Recharging during summer break is essential for teachers as well as students! Unplugging from the day-to-day of the classroom, team meetings, grading, planning, communicating with parents, etc. is the key to a healthy mindset. Encourage your staff to recharge and “wonder” while they “wander”! A change of scenery is always good for the soul and helps maintain hope and optimism - key ingredients for heath and happiness. With your purchase, for each staff member you will receive a gift box filled with…

  • Clear bag with navy accents - imprinted with the word “wonder”

  • Oversized Turkish blanket in one of 5 scrumptious colors

  • a personalized (from principal) motivation message on the importance of hope & optimism ~ optimistic people enjoy better physical health, perform better at work or school, and display greater resilience than their pessimistic counterparts, so send your staff into summer with a reminder, some inspiration and a gift!

  • all “gifts” are individually packaged in gift boxes ready for distribution

Time to get ‘A Round TUIT’ for your Staff

Have you heard of a Tuit? Or more specifically, a Round Tuit? Are you aware of their transformative To-Do listing powers? When it comes to the Round Tuit…it isn’t 100% about the final nudge to complete that pesky ever-present To-Do item. Although it could be. A Round Tuit is a matter of prioritization and asking yourself why. This climate booster is sure to delight your staff! Getting A ROUND TO IT has never been so much fun! With your purchase, for each staff member you will receive a gift bag filled with…

  • A bag of ROUND TUIT wooden coins along with a description card for those new to Round Tuits (round tuits and description card are packaged in a separate smaller goodie bag for safe keeping)

  • an oversized gourmet chocolate bar

  • a personalized (from principal) motivation memo whimsically written communicating the Round Tuit concept offering fun guidance on how best to maximize Round Tuits for oneself as well as the greater good!

  • all “gifts” are individually packaged in gift bags ready for distribution

Mug ‘o Motivation

Coffee and tea are certainly a staff favorite. Right?? Why not use this daily ritual to help your staff reflect on the goodness they can share in the world. Perspective and mindset are key ingredients. This staff gift is sure to please while reminding your staff that each choice can positively (or negatively) impact their situation.

With your purchase, for each staff member you will receive…

  • a ceramic mug complete with coffee & tea goodies

  • a personalized (from principal) motivation memo complete with coffee/tea metaphor reflection inspired by the children’s book "The Carrot,the Egg & the Tea Bag"

  • all “gifts” are individually packaged in gift bags ready for distribution

S’more Time

With our S’MORE TIME climate booster, you can make every staff member feel like they are part of the family. Send your staff an instructional message and treat with just one click! It's easy! All you have to do is share your staff head count, work with our team to capture a video message, and we handle the rest. Voila! Coordinated and delivered on YOUR behalf. Talk about multi-tasking! AND best of all, the instructional resource is all about the mindset of “abundance” vs. “scarcity”. A perfect message for anyone looking to enhance campus culture and climate. Click here for a sample.

With your purchase, you will receive…

  • a link containing an instructional video message about abundant vs. limited mindset (edited and personalized for your school)

  • personalized “S’MORE” kit for each staff member from a gourmet chocolatier

Kindness Kits

Kindness is a wonderful way to create camaraderie and keep your staff members happy. With our KINDNESS KITS, give your staff the morale boost they need without any work! Included are printed and downloadable instructional resources as well as "kindness seeds" and “note of kindness”. All components are geared to start conversations and facilitate ongoing kindness among your staff. We like to think of it as kindness + shared kindness = an amazing campus culture.

With your purchase, you will receive a bagged Kindness Kit for each staff member. Each Kindness Kit includes -

  • Small Seeds of Kindness Instructional Resource

  • Kindness Cards Teaching Guide

  • 4 Kindness Cards (to share!)

  • Two, $1 Bills (to share!)

  • Downloadable Kindness Cards for classroom use (customized by grade level)

Our “Chance Granters” are always coming up with new ideas so check back often for new opportunities to show your staff just how amazing they are! Click here to join our email list and never miss a new climate booster!