Chance to Soar


Customized programs focusing on educator well-being.

Even the healthiest of school faculties struggle to keep stress at a manageable level. We can help!

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How are you?  Really, how are YOU? How is YOUR STAFF?  

Today, THESE TIMES, your staff needs your attention and care more than ever.  Their teacher souls need to be filled.  Their voices need to be heard.  Their mental health needs to be priority ONE! 

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At the heart of it, are you ready to look at things from a different perspective and provide an invaluable resource for educators? Today. Now. When it’s needed most.

Chance to Soar partners with principals and administrators who want to give back to their staff with intentional time to develop skills complementary to those in the traditional educator toolkit.  At Chance to Soar, we think of it as “We take care of educators, so they can take care of kids!”

In our experience, we most effectively partner with organizations that place value on their educational staff being led by industry professionals who are laser focused on the issues faced by the educational community TODAY.  See us in action!

When it comes to big topics like work-life balance, building resiliency, or even empowering educators by clarifying purpose, Chance to Soar programs are helping educators thrive!  We work with educators daily, soaking in their thoughts, challenges and successes.  Our programs provide a platform to funnel this collective knowledge and bring powerful tools, and perspective, to educators delivering positive organizational change- one step at a time.

Our programs target organizational culture and climate.

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  • Need a program that speaks to the climate and season educators face TODAY as they struggle to find normality amidst everchanging information/rules/norms?

  • Need a program to encourage high performing educators to soar even higher?

  • Need a program to provide educators that have lost their way with a gentle nudge and a framework to rekindle their passion?

  • Need a program for all teachers filled with tips, tools and practical suggestions for building teamwork, resiliency and culture? Even better, we will model it for them during the session so that it can be implemented the very next day!

Our programs are flexible, customizable and built to meet your needs as an organization. Our passion is helping YOU shine while equipping YOUR staff with the tools to succeed. When teachers succeed, kids win. That’s definitely worth a chance, don’t you think? We guarantee that your teachers will always leave a Chance to Soar session feeling GOOD!

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Quarterly Teacher Training

4 sessions - $900 x 4 sessions - $3,600

Most of our clients prefer to implement a 3, 6 or 12 month curriculum. The continuity of regular monthly sessions builds trust and familiarity. 

We have found that the ability to review inspirational strategies and tools and react in real-time raises educator confidence and moves the needle toward specific goals outlined by school leadership as well as positive mental health habits.

Recently, we are also noticing a collective calm found among educators when they realize they are not alone in their feelings.  It’s powerful to watch educators share emotions and feelings that really can only truly be understood by fellow educators.  See us in action!

In-person or Zoom sessions for your entire educational staff aligned with school administration direction. You choose the format, we handle all the details! Sessions typically last 60 minutes. Sample topics from our 2021-2022 school year:

  • Mental-health focus: Effectively Adapting to Change, Strategies for Managing Stress, Building Diverse Educator Support Systems, Mindfulness & Educator Self-Care, Building Resiliency

  • Team building focus: Understanding Personalities & Strengths of Educator Teams, Mission and Vision Setting for Educator Teams

Instructional Resource Subscription

2 instructional resources - $800 x 2 - $1,700

Downloadable instructional resources tailored and designed to support the student population at the campus level. Resources can be shared with your entire faculty and are tied to social emotional strands for each topic in support of overall campus and district climate.

he key to success with this subscription is that the resources will come from the Principal, yet we will do all the work! Best of all, each subscription drop will be accompanied by a gift for each and every educator. A staff favorite from the 2021-2022 school year was our “Finding Calm in the Storm” resource delivered with a relaxation themed gift for each educator!

Climate Booster

Campus wide climate booster-$700 x 2 -$1,400

Two appreciation events (think food trucks, dessert treats, selfcare items, and more!). We work alongside principals to determine the “best fit” campus event and handle all the backend details for delivery and execution. Each event is kicked off with a Chance to Soar hosted video message from the principal to the staff. Seamless integration from start to finish is our goal! Your staff gets a great morale boost and YOU get all the credit!

Take a Chance Program Package - $6,700

Best Value!!!

Take a chance on your staff with this program packed with all kinds of extras! When you purchase our quarterly teacher training combined with our instructional resource subscription and climate boosters we will include over $2,000 in FREE resources.

Annual “Take a Chance” package includes…

  • 4 quarterly teacher trainings

  • 2 instructional resources

  • 2 appreciation climate boosters

  • Early bird rebooking specials and first "chance" for special grants - FREE (estimated $750-$1500 value)

  • Monthly professional coaching sessions - FREE (priceless)

Programs of this nature are all too often pushed aside due to the daily reality of both managing educators and meeting expectations of district-level administrators. We get it! You are busy juggling the realities of constantly changing information and norms. Let us step in and help YOU help YOUR educator teams soar!

Personality Profile

Lumina team leader training - $150 per person

With two certified Lumina Spark Practitioners on staff, Chance to Soar can work with your whole staff and/or individual teams to administer the tool, share results and work through implications of results on communication, teamwork and leadership. Lumina Spark is the next generation of professional development tools and is unique amongst psychometric tools because it avoids any stereotyping.

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Lumina Spark can be a standalone session or combined with our other training packages. Pricing for the Lumina Spark tool is based on the total number of individuals evaluated. Click here for more on Lumina Spark.

Customized Program

Don’t see something that fits your needs? No problem!

Chance to Soar welcomes the honor of being YOUR strategic business partner; a team of resources dedicated to supporting healthy mental health habits among educators thus developing a culture of excellence. Let us work alongside you to align goals and ultimately deliver inspirational strategies and programs to your staff with the goal of developing healthy mental health habits and attitudes. While our “menu” represents what has worked for most districts, we can oftentimes mix and match our programs to suit your needs. Let’s chat!

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Chance to Soar welcomes the honor of being YOUR strategic business partner; a team of resources dedicated to supporting healthy mental health habits among educators thus developing a culture of excellence.

Let us work alongside you to align goals and ultimately deliver inspirational strategies and programs to your staff with the goal of developing healthy mental health habits and attitudes. We believe that the ripple effect of each and every teaching staff that hears our message and begins to implement our strategies will have an enormous impact on educational culture and climate.